[Lazarus] Lazarus removes all output messages at compile time because...

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 11:52:16 CEST 2009

I'm happy that also others try to work with p4d, not only me.

With this i can add a Delphi-Variable/Class to Python:
MyPyForm := PyFormType.CreateInstance;
(PythonToDelphi(MyPyForm) as TPyForm).Control:= Self;
PyClassMod.SetVar('MainForm', MyPyForm); 

But when I wanted to change the Caption I got Access Violation so now 
these Patch fixing it?

And how to create Forms within PythonCode and use them also in Python?

PS: Could u add the patches to this Bug-Report I made?

I already have added 2 patches, but I think there not that right.

Best Regards,

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