[Lazarus] [Fwd: A few hacky patches (resent)] (Attn Brad)

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Jun 5 02:06:48 CEST 2009

You should now be able to configure your synedit in the desired manner.

In order to be able to click the "line" below a "[-]" sign add the 
following config

Select "FoldTree"  (the first entry in gutter) => this will catch any 
click anywhere in the fold part of the gutter; so if you do not want the 
click to act or act the same way on [+] / [-] symbols, then override the 
config in the sub-nodes.

- Add an entry to catch the desired click (left, single or any, down)
- Command Fold
- Mode: Current node (The minimum enclosing node)

if desired decide to move the caret

It is also possible to add config, so you can click at a "begin" or 
whatever actual text opens a fold area => and it will fold this node:
  Mode: At Caret
of course this must be a click on the text, not gutter

Best Regards

Martin Friebe wrote:
>>> laz-synpatch-005.patch
>>> This is a gross hack, but it allows clicking *anywhere* on the grey 
>>> fold line in the gutter to fold
>>> that particular level of routine. I have some procedures that are 
>>> very long and it's nice to be able
>>> to click on that line from the bottom of the procedure and have it 
>>> fold up on me.
> Just to let you know, do not worry about redoing your patch. I am 
> working on related items, and will include a solution.
> Martin
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