[Lazarus] EOL character used in .lfm files keep changing

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Jun 11 12:11:39 CEST 2009

Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> Just install a pre commit script which prevents checking in files
> without mime type.

That's for mime type, but what about eol-style?

To help fix this existing inconsitencies in the SubVersion repository,
you can use the following script. This is what I use to fix up the *.pas
files in tiOPF.

[ Yes you will have to modify it for .pp or .lrs or .lfm or .inc files,
but you get the idea ]

for f in `find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f -name '*.pas'`; do
  svn ps svn:eol-style native $f
  svn ps svn:mime-type text/plain $f

> I guess this are still artefacts from the cvs->svn conversion.

Florian, you are not helping your case. ;-)  Pointing out more and more
issues in SubVersion.  Anyway, this is not supposed to be a debate about
repositories [I think]. I'm talking about files that are normally not
edited by humans, like .lrs or .lfm files.

> IMO it should. It's the only way to solve the different line ending
> problem.

Strangely enough the internet works just fine without such silently
modifications to web pages, smtp traffic etc...  It's all about the
tools that can handle the existing text files correctly. Why can't the
editor detect the EOL character and use that while editing a file.

Like I said, the Lazarus editor doesn't seem to cause any problems, but
the Lazarus Form Designer does. And I am not using SubVersion to access
the Lazarus repository, I'm using Git. So some files are fine, but
others are not.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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