[Lazarus] EOL character used in .lfm files keep changing

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Jun 11 14:17:52 CEST 2009

Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> That's why _you_ have a problem now with line-endings, because your tool
> doesn't handle this right.

I use the best tool for the job, otherwise we would all be developing
software using vi or notepad.

I am NOT suggesting you guys change you repository!!! We have discussed
this over and over and over before.... Hence the reason I created and
maintain a git clone of the lazarus subversion repository. I am
suggesting something which is done often in many other software cases as
well, and it is something that will NOT even break any existing code or
tools.  The .lrs files and .lfm files are probably only edited by a
select few humans (probably 0.1% of all cases), so it's not even
something that will raise any issues.

> I don't see why we have to fix/change something for a broken tool that

Oh please Joost, get off your high horse... Git (and probably other
tools) don't believe that silently modifying text files is the right way
to go. That does NOT make those tools broken. Git simply believes in
integrity! What you put in is exactly what you get out.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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