[Lazarus] EOL character used in .lfm files keep changing

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Jun 11 15:10:36 CEST 2009

Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> Maybe in your -unix-centric- world. But not in the real
> -windows-centric- world. And we are aiming to build some tools which are
> really cross-platform. And not with all kind of tricks.

Oh like the tricks to tell SubVersion to convert line-endings and then
you sometimes forget to tell SubVersion about that so the repository now
sits with mixed EOL style all over the place.  Very nice and consistent.

I'm pretty sure you would love it if your NTFS file-system started
modifying your data, because NTFS things it's better that way. NTFS
doesn't touch your data, neither does Git. Like I said, Git is more like
a file-system with integrity checking.

The tools that work with the actual data (editors, IDE's etc) needs to
know how to handle the data. That's got f**kall to do with your source
code repository, which you entrust to look after your data and keep its
integrity in check.

> I don't know how others are thinging about this, but I think it would be
> better when you stop cluttering this mailinglists with all your

As far as I understand, Lazarus is an open source project and I believe
I may raise my concerns in this mailing list. I was not the one making
this thread about SubVersion vs Git. I was simply raising my concern
about the Lazarus Form Designer changing the EOL style in the .lfm and
.lrs files, but NOT in the .pas files.

If you don't like what I have to say, stop reading and replying to my

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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