[Lazarus] Git mirror

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Mon Jun 29 14:43:40 CEST 2009

Bruce Tulloch wrote:
>    http://florianklaempfl.de:8000/
> for Mercurial users.

Ah, thanks for the URL. I was looking for that earlier when I updated
the Lazarus wiki.

> Now, how about the same for SVN :-)

Nah. ;-)  But for fun I cloned the Git repository yesterday and checked
out the very first revision (commit) of git. Eight C source code files
of about 30-60 lines of code each. Just for fun I worked through it and
ported most of it to Object Pascal. Who knows, maybe some day we will
have a full Git release written in Object Pascal. :-)  [That will show
those C programmers.]

Now here comes the interesting question?  If Linus just starting writing
Git, how did he make that very first commit?  ;-)

[The answer is actually quite simple - though I'm not sure if that's the
official answer...]

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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