[Lazarus] MySQL Database Component and Parameter Binding

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 00:16:02 CET 2009

2009/3/1 Kostas Michalopoulos <badsector at slashstone.com>:
> 1. The component bar ("MainIDEBar")'s height is calculated to match the
> contents and current window size.
This is a good idea in general, however your patch IMHO has some flaws,
which I'll list in order from least to most significant:
1) CalcMainIDEBarHeight function has inconsistent indenting and no
try-finally block
2) I am not sure how this code takes into account MainMenu height
3) It certainly does not take into account possibility for more than a
single row of components
  on the tab (which, I presume, was the main reason for original large height).
Perhaps a better suggestion would be to measure sizes of real components,
instead of creating a fake ones.

> 2. Line up the windows so they don't appear inconsistent and they don't
> overlap each other.
> 3. Make the default new form size to cover a large area made up of the area
> left by the object inspector, the main bar and the messages window.
> 4. Resize the source editor window to be smaller than the default new form
> size but similar in aspect.

These are merely a tweaks for magic constants.
I have nothing against it, but I think this is, at best, a workaround
until docking code is finished.

Alexander S. Klenin

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