[Lazarus] About 0013268: SynEdit parses every line twice on load or paste (Attn: Flávio)

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Mar 4 15:27:57 CET 2009

In Ada language forum they have had many times this discussion. The 
following are the constant conclusions:

Dynamic linking has nothing to do with GPL. If DLLs are GPL and you use 
them, you must grant access to the source of DLL, not to the full 
project. Static linking of GPL tools require you to publish the final 
product as GPL, and grant access to the sources of the full project.

Generics are an specific problem. In Ada language generic libraries in 
GNAT have a special licence GGPL, (or something like that) to allow use 
them in propietary projects. Well, it had a special licence, they have 
turned into GPL, so, due Ada uses generics for everything, that makes 
impossible to use GNAT for non-GPL projects.

Santiago A.

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