[Lazarus] Cannot build lazarus anymore

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Wed Mar 4 10:09:33 CET 2009

A.J. Venter wrote:
> I seem to be unable to build the newest versions of lazarus, I tried
> both the 0.9.26 stable and the latest svn snapshot with the same
> result.
> Where is it supposed to find Contnrs ?
> Ciao
> A.J.

> Compiling masks.pas
> Fatal: Can't find unit Contnrs used by Masks
> Fatal: Compilation aborted

Usually this means that either you use a different compiler than the one 
used for compiling the rtl/fcl (multiple compilers installed and wrong 
unit paths) or make clean wasn't really clean, so some old unit is still 


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