[Lazarus] About 0013268: SynEdit parses every line twice on load or paste (Attn: Flávio)

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 14:37:10 CET 2009

> Do you refer to paste, as done by SynEdit internally (not by externally
> calling lines.Insert) ?
> Because the current paste (if you press ctrl-v in the IDE, having 10
> lines in the Clipboard) isn't affected by this bug. (I looked at it in
> the debugger)
> It is affected by 2 other things:
> 1) A bug, that paste insert 10 empty lines, sans 10 empty lines, puts
> the content in, scans the content.
>  - The 10 lines Content a scanned in a single call to ScanFrom => so
> ScanFrom needs only once to rescan a single known line, and then does 10
> lines without any duplication scanning.
>  - The same applies to scanning the 10 empty lines. It is *one* extra
> call to ScanFrom (which should be avoided)

Sorry, I meant when you paste _at EOL_.


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