[Lazarus] Unable to find the unit if the component class "TNoBackPage"

Roland Turcan konf at rotursoft.sk
Wed Mar 11 20:18:54 CET 2009

Hello Hans,

Thanks for your showing to the right direction.

You were right, that I had to move explicit registration of
TNoBackPage to Register procedure as the main component has its own
one. Afterwards I didn't get any more any exception from IDE.

Thanks again.


<<< 11.3.2009 14:11 - Hans-Peter Diettrich "DrDiettrich1 at aol.com" >>>
HPD> Roland Turcan schrieb:

>> I have my own component, which successfully installed into Lazarus.
>> When I use this component on any form after reopening/reloading form
>> it reports an error. That is a simple notebook implementation with no
>> background to get pages transparent.

HPD> What's this?

>> constructor TNoBackNotebook.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
HPD> [...]
>>   if not Registered then
>>   begin
>>     Classes.RegisterClasses([TNoBackPage]);
>>     Registered := True;
>>   end;
>> end;

HPD> IMO the registration should occur in a Register procedure in the unit,
HPD> at least *before* any instance is created.


Best regards, TRoland

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