[Lazarus] SQLDB invalid handle

Bram Kuijvenhoven mailinglists.bram at kuijvenhoven.net
Fri Mar 13 23:10:16 CET 2009

Dear Stephano,

Stephano wrote:
> The following code produces an error:

Could you please provide some more details?
- FPC version
- A minimal but complete test program demonstrating the error

To ensure reproducibility of the problem, please report under which configuration of OS, DBMS and ODBC driver your minimal test program showed the problem.

It would also be great if you had a stack trace (see http://wiki.freepascal.org/Creating_a_Backtrace_with_GDB).

> error is: could not prepare statement
> Last return code: SQL_INVALID_HANDLE
> Invalid handle passed to SQLGetDiagRec/Field

So far I can see that the call to SQLPrepare failed (in TODBCConnection.PrepareStatement), but that unfortunately the ODBC error message could not be retrieved.


Bram Kuijvenhoven

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