[Lazarus] Delphi wxWidget plugin for Lazarus

Ron Grove ron.grove at me.com
Tue Mar 31 09:34:48 CEST 2009

Well, being a "wierd" Delphi guy, I hope I provided at least some  
rationale for the desire to see some kind of "CrossFPC" utility in my  
previous response.  I miss my addins in Lazarus.  Call me lazy, I  
don't care.  I'll use any tool that means I write one less line of  
code or helps me write it faster.  I'm more productive in Delphi,  
simple as that.  But I do all my regular computing in OS X, and  
working on learning how to develop in it as well, so Lazarus is of  
very keen interest to me.  Downloaded QT 4.5 last night and will  
follow the Lazarus OS X QT version much more closely now.  I'd offer  
to help, but I'm potentially the worst C++ developer in the history of  

I agree with the second part per my email on the same topic.  Unless  
they've done way more than I expect a complex app will feel handcuffed  


On Mar 31, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Bee <bee.ography at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Everyone seemed to be surprise and happy. As you already knew, Delphi
>> people are quite offensive to FPC/Lazarus with many arguments which
>> are mostly wrong and non-sense. But, if there's a project that
>> *indirectly* uses FPC/Lazarus through Delphi, as this one and
>> CrossFPC, they could accept it. Can someone explain this  
>> phenomena? :D
> That is a strange phenomena, I agree! So indirectly using FPC/Lazarus
> and they are very happy. Using Lazarus directly under Windows, Linux,
> Mac etc and they are not happy????  The latter is a lot less effort.
> Plus, what happens if they want to create custom components?  Do they
> have to create them in C++ (because that is what wxWidgets is written
> in) and then create Object Pascal bindings for those components.
> Double work!! Simply use Lazarus with LCL or fpGUI and be done with
> it!
> Delphi users are just weird - thank goodness I moved over to the dark
> side before I became like that. ;-)
> Regards,
>  - Graeme -
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