[Lazarus] TFont.size
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Fri May 1 22:35:19 CEST 2009
I have a problem with file region locking under Linux.
First I start setup to create a file and writelock range 10..30
program setup;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
Uses cthreads, Classes, SysUtils, BaseUnix;
Const Fn = '/home/anthony/test_lock';
F_RDLCK = 0;
F_WRLCK = 1;
F_UNLCK = 2;
Var F, I : Integer;
Region : FLock;
If FileExists (Fn) Then DeleteFile (Fn);
F := FpOpen (Fn, O_RDWR Or O_CREAT, $1B6); // $1B6
= o666
For I := 0 To 255 Do FpWrite (F, I, 1); //
Populate file
With Region Do // Set
WriteLock 10..30
l_type := F_WRLCK; l_whence := SEEK_SET;
l_start := 10; l_len := 20
If FpFcntl (F, F_SETLK, Region) = -1 Then
WriteLn ('unable to apply writelock');
Sleep (20000); // Sleep
20 Sec
FpClose (F);
Then within 20 seconds i start test to obtain a readlock on 80.
This fails. Why? What am I doing wrong?
program test;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
Uses cthreads, Classes, SysUtils, BaseUnix;
Const Fn = '/home/anthony/test_lock';
F_RDLCK = 0;
F_WRLCK = 1;
F_UNLCK = 2;
Var F, I : Integer;
Region : FLock;
F := FpOpen (Fn, O_RDWR Or O_CREAT, $1B6); // $1B6
= o666
With Region Do // Set
ReadLock on 80
l_type := F_RDLCK; l_whence := SEEK_SET;
l_start := 80; l_len := 1
If FpFcntl (F, F_SETLK, Region) = -1 Then
WriteLn ('unable to apply readlock on 80');
FpClose (F);
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