[Lazarus] Ubuntu 9.04 (Lazarus too slow)

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri May 8 09:22:17 CEST 2009

2009/5/8 Bogusław Brandys <brandys at o2.pl>:
> Can you confirm my thought that the worst it become when trying to
> resize window in Lazarus IDE run remotely ? (that would proof too much
> repainting calls)

Probably. Just loading the IDE (gtk2 compiled) takes forever to
display. I get frustrated way before I get a chance to resize any
forms. :-) If IDE (gtk1 compiled) works, then clearly the issue is in
the widgetset backend implementation or the backend widgetset itself
and not the LCL itself. But like I said, I have run other GTK2
applications and they worked fine.

I know to little about the LCL widgetset implementations to figure out
where the slowdown occurs. Good news is, the slowdown is great for
debugging custom painting problems. ;-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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