[Lazarus] Python4Delphi/Lazarus: VarPyth: VarDataClear.. not yet supported?

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat May 30 22:21:35 CEST 2009

On Sat, 30 May 2009, Robert wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> On Sat, 30 May 2009, Robert wrote:
>>> I tried to use current http://code.google.com/p/python4delphi with
>>> Lazarus. Did somebody use P4D successfully with recent Lazarus?
>>> Patches? I face a few problems.
>>> What about this problem, and what could be a workaround?
>>> http://code.google.com/p/python4delphi/source/browse/trunk/PythonForDelphi/Components/Sources/Core/VarPyth.pas 
>>> ### from variants.pp #########
>>> procedure TCustomVariantType.VarDataClear(var Dest: TVarData);
>>> begin
>>>    NotSupported('TCustomVariantType.VarDataClear');
>>> end;
>>> ...
>>> #########################
>> I implemented some methods in TCustomVariantType (subversion of today), but 
>> there are still quite some missing. Please test to see if it gets you any 
>> further.
> thanks, I took&compiled only the new variants.pp into the RTL
> Then VarPyth.Import worked and walking/calling the Python object tree works 
> now.
> But any assignments to or from Python and argument passing fail.
> pp := Import('pp');
> pp.x.y();     // works!
> i := pp.f();  // EVariantTypeCastError (i:Integer or LongInt)

This needs investigation.

> pp.a := 99;   // TCustomVariantType.RaiseDispError not supported
> pp.f(6);      // TCustomVariantType.RaiseDispError not supported

These are caused by what is still missing in custom variants :-)

> Does it help to take more of current SVN ? or a principal problem with 
> Typecasts?

I'll need to check what is still missing. The variants unit could use some
cleaning up.


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