[Lazarus] Lazarus for Windows Mobile

"ArĂ­ Ricardo Ody" aro52 at gmx.com
Wed Nov 4 18:02:02 CET 2009

When Insert data, and I post it, even thou I'm doing:


It does not exists on the database itself. and when I close the connection
and reopen it, the new values does not exists.
I might be missing something here...



On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Michael Van Canneyt
<michael at freepascal.org>wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Nov 2009, ik wrote:
>  Thanks, I updated the records (with the FPC version) and it compiles
>> properly, but it seems that ZeosLib is not a 64 bit ready.
>> It uses pointer of integer and I experience a lot of weird behavior
>> regarding bookmarks.
>> I require to use Firebird and perform tasks on it. SQLdb does not push the
>> transaction to the database, so I do not know what else to use in Lazarus
>> 64
>> bit.
> I use firebird and SQLDB daily. Works like a charm.
> What do you mean with 'SQLDB does not push the transaction to the database'
> ?
> Michael.
> --
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