[Lazarus] Delphi editor clone

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Nov 6 17:42:23 CET 2009

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Martin schrieb:
>>> Can't you configure Lazarus to use the old fpc compiler?
>> this mail wasn't about my problem, but rather about giving you the info.
> Thanks, I assumed that you cannot run the program at all.
>> BTW fpc may be right about it, and even if inc/dec was a build in 
>> magical thing...
>> dec(DragTarget.Left, w);
>> Where "DragTarget" is a property
> DragTarget evaluates to an object, that can be modified without 
> barreers. The dirty part, in all situations, is the very last (here: 
> .Left) property, that must be read AND written by Inc.
Actually "left" is  a property.

Wich means it is handled as a funtion result (because the getter can 
chamge at anytime)
Txxx = class
  function GetLeft;
 property Left read getLeft;


The inc in this case can not work.

>>> I'll have to get a SVN version of fpc, before I can start fixing my 
>>> code... 
>> Actually my question was meant different and ironical: Your mail 
>> sounded like you blame it on fpc. So i mean "Do you think fpc will be 
>> fixed (changed back)"
> do you think it will be fixed before release?
> Aha!
>> Since we both know the answer to that isn't going to be yes => I did 
>> assume that the answer related to your code would be "yes"
> Question is, what's a "release" version of a sample project. There are 
> more important things in the code, and in the LCL, that *really* 
> deserve updates.
release never referred to your project.

"do you think fpc will be fixed (before the fpc 2.4.0 release)"
And that is not really a question: fpc will not be "fixed" (changed back)

Besides "fixed" is the wrong word to, because it is the intended 
behaviour, so it is not broken.

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