[Lazarus] Pascal Time Zone handling

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 23:04:38 CET 2009

Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> It should be possible.

Even with different include paths per platform?

> Have unchecked 'use unit'?

Yes, it's unchecked. I did so to optimize linking and produce smaller
executables - which only include the units it really needs. But if I
need to enable this again, it's not a problem really.

> What error do you get?

Can't find units because of wrong include paths being used and then the
windows cross-compilation complains about 'unit x' not being found. I
also have to do some trickery with the platform types. So I have a
"alias" types defined in each backend (platform specific) directory. But
the unit name is the same for all platforms.

Both of these have the same unit names and same types, but based on the
platform, they translate to something different.

------------[ corelib/x11/fpg_impl.pas ]--------------
unit fpg_impl;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}



    TfpgWinHandle = TXID;
    TfpgDCHandle  = TXID;



--------------[ corelib/gdi/fpg_impl.pas ]-------------
unit fpg_impl;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}



    TfpgWinHandle = HWND;
    TfpgDCHandle  = HDC;



>> to remove the dependency first (By thew trunk Lazarus crashes with AV
>> when I remove it. On restarting the IDE, I can remove it successfully).
> Can you reproduce the problem?

Yes, I can reproduce every time, and on IDE restart it works.

> Can you send me a backtrace?

I do so after this email, using a new subject.

> Or use 'fpc' as compiler.
> Why change FPC source path?

As explained in my previous reply. FPC 64bit with uses 2.3.1 cannot
cross-compile a 32bit FPC for 2.3.1. So I went back to linux 32bit FPC
2.2.5 to cross-compile FPC 2.2.5 32bit windows compiler.

>> 7) Click Compile in Lazarus.
> yes, that is needed.

You and Vincent think the same! :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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