[Lazarus] Mac OS X 6.2

John Coarsey jcoarsey1 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 12 19:18:08 CET 2009

> I did test the program with version on my Mac.  It seems  
> that the mouse events and status bar don't work correctly.  Since   
> the menus on Widows XP and OS X behave differently,  the program  
> needs to be rewritten to use buttons rather than menus to control  
> the simulation and use menus to simply open dialogs.

You abandoned the whole program that has been written in pascal just  
because UI issue that actually can be solved? Wow!

> I needed  a CA simulator for my Mac and my original plan was to use  
> Lazarus and FPC,  but since that didn't work I wrote this Java  
> program:

Good for you then. Obviously you are not yet ready to join a free open  
source project driven by community. ;)



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