[Lazarus] QT binding works!

zeljko at holobit.net zeljko at holobit.net
Thu Nov 12 19:07:24 CET 2009

Quoting Juha Manninen <juha.manninen at phnet.fi>:

> Hi!
> There are often complaints and questions about things that don't work.
> Now some positive feedback for a change:
> I compiled the whole Lazarus to use QT widgets and it works! Yes.

Congratulations ! :)

> I didn't have very high hopes because QT bindings are not ready and   
> Lazarus is
> complicated. Still, I don't see any feature missing or working wrong. Only in

So it isn't so complicated ? :)

> About dialog the scrolling texts seem to scroll while the pane is invisible,
> in GTK2 version they started from top when you selected the pane. Not
> important really.
> What more, I got rid of a window handling problem on my KDE desktop. All
> Lazarus windows in GTK2 version got minimized when I visited another virtual
> screen in KDE. Now they stay visible! Must be because KDE is made with QT

No, it's LCL bug. Try any GTK2 application and you'll see.

> itself. I even have the QT file open dialog now. Single click now   
> opens a sub-
> directory, no more stupid double-clicks. (Double-click is a UI design bug
> anyway as we all know).
> I start to use this QT version exclusively unless there are some hidden
> problems with it. (?)

Well, just fill bug report if you find anything bad.


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