[Lazarus] Lazarus for Intel Mac

Phil Hess macpgmr at fastermac.net
Fri Nov 13 19:29:52 CET 2009

Not sure if I understand what the problem is. With a one-button mouse you simulate right-click with Ctrl+click. I've haven't noticed any problems with it.



----- "Brian Prentice" <bprentice at webenet.net> wrote:

> Here is a little test program:
> http://linuxenvy.com/bprentice/Lazarus
> which demonstrates that the left mouse button is not detected  
> correctly.  Clicking the Left mouse button with the Ctrl key depressed
> produces Right Ctrl and clicking the Left mouse button with the Alt  
> key depressed produces Middle Alt.
> On the subject of testing,  it was stated on this list recently that 
> there was not enough manpower to run each of the examples included  
> with Lazarus prior to a major release.  Perhaps instead the test  
> software that was used could be included.  I would find such test  
> software useful.
> Brian
> --
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