[Lazarus] cross platform [Re: Lazarus Goal]

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Sun Nov 15 21:41:01 CET 2009

theo wrote:
>> Unfortunately this brings up the idea of "aesthetic",
>> Consider the Preferences dialog in Mac Leopard's Mail client:
>> http://web.fastermac.net/~MacPgmr/Lazarus/Screenshots/mail_prefs.jpg <http://web.fastermac.net/%7EMacPgmr/Lazarus/Screenshots/mail_prefs.jpg>
> I don't think this dialog has a lot do to with "aesthetic".

i'm not posting this in defense but...

> It looks cheap to me. The Icons look like randomly collected from the net.
> No common height or color style, strange vertical alignment (see RSS).

the RSS icon has a shadow under it... obviously it is part of the graphic... a 
few others also have similar shadow... i do agree that the icons are not as 
uniform as they should/could be ;)

> Vertical alignment is almost inexistent anyway.
> Look at the checkboxes vs. the comboboxes.
> comboboxes blue green red don't even have the same distance

yeah, that was already mentioned... but no one mentioned that the RED one isn't 
really red, either... it looks like dark charcoal over here...

> Nah, really... ;-)

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