[Lazarus] New experimantal beta feature - View same source in multiple Windows
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Nov 19 01:45:56 CET 2009
I think he means things like EAN codes (GS1-128 may have up to 48
characters), MD5 sums (32 characters) or some small piece of base64-encoded
data. If you're ABSOLUTELY sure you will store only printable ASCII data
(from 0x20 to 0x7e) and do not need more than 250 characters, ShortString
may be useful.
2009/11/18 Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com>
> If binary data shall be kept in an string, then of course it's wise to use
> an specific type for such strings, which does no translations of the
> content. But then the contents should never be moved into other strings, but
> instead into variables of other types. The type should be something like
> ByteString or ByteArray, and that type should be incompatible with all other
> character strings.
> DoDi
Alexsander da Rosa
Linux User #113925
"Extremismo na defesa da liberdade não é defeito.
Moderação na busca por justiça não é virtude."
-- Barry Goldwater
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