[Lazarus] New experimantal beta feature - View same source in multiple Windows

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at mastermaths.co.za
Thu Nov 19 10:48:00 CET 2009

Martin wrote:
> That's why I said: when/if there will be docking. The 2nd 2indow is
> just a cheap fix for the meantime.

Sorry, I jumped the gun a bit with my reply.

> They are missing, because source-editor isn't yet ready for it. All
> you currently get is a plain SynEdit. (I know this is a limitation,
> but I only just started on it)

No worries, I now understand. It's all still work in progress. ;-)

I can now see that horizontal split is not idea for all cases, so your
idea is better. Separate window for now, that could later be docked. A
good example (even for myself) of where vertical split is the perfect
choice, is in the Beyond Compare 2 product - diff viewer and copying
data left or right. :)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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