[Lazarus] New experimantal beta feature - View same source in multiple Windows

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Thu Nov 19 18:47:05 CET 2009

Martin schrieb:

>> I get an error: uemOpenAnotherView not defined, in sourceeditor.pp?
> it is in ide\lazarusidestrconsts.pas
> Maybe you need to make clean all? (or tick the checkbox)

That didn't help, but removing the condition around the declaration made 
it compile on Linux. On Windows I had no such problem. Dunno why...

>>> => All this is not likely to be fixed soon => the idea is to wait 
>>> what happens to IDE docking
>> Why wait? When we fix the details now, I know what to implement for 
>> docking.
> Well first, it is not wait only.
> there are still bit's and pieces in SynEdit to be fixed. And 
> sourceEditor/Notebook must be adapted too. So it simply is work in 
> progress.

I hoped you had fixed everything till tomorrow - but maƱana will be okay 
as well ;-)

> persistent layout, was one of the things I thought of, when I said 
> "waiting".

You provide the interface, I'll provide the values.

> It has to be seen how good window state/size/pos can be saved with the 
> current means (because there can be any amount of edit windows)

I'll try a simple INI style format for the layout, for now.


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