[Lazarus] Windows: lazarus hangs when switching windows

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Tue Nov 24 12:58:40 CET 2009

TShellListView and TShellTreeView not show correctly russian filenames. This patch for correct bug:

*** 373,379 ****
      else ObjectData := nil;
      // AddFile identifies if the file is valid or not
!     if AddFile then AResult.AddObject(DirInfo.Name, ObjectData);
      FindResult := FindNext(DirInfo);
--- 373,383 ----
      else ObjectData := nil;
      // AddFile identifies if the file is valid or not
!     {$IFDEF Windows}
!       if AddFile then AResult.AddObject(AnsiToUTF8(DirInfo.Name), ObjectData);
!     {$else}
!       if AddFile then AResult.AddObject(DirInfo.Name, ObjectData);
!     {$endif}
      FindResult := FindNext(DirInfo);
*** 581,586 ****
--- 585,594 ----
        NewItem := Items.Add;
        CurFileName := Files.Strings[i];
+       {$IFDEF Windows}
+       CurFileName := AnsiToUtf8(CurFileName);
+       {$ENDIF}
        CurFilePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FRoot) + CurFileName;
        // First column - Name
        NewItem.Caption := CurFileName;

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