[Lazarus] QT binding works!

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Tue Nov 24 11:25:15 CET 2009

On tiistai, 24. marraskuuta 2009 11:27:32 Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> The debian package can not recompile the LCL, codetools, synedit and
> IDEIntf.
> Use lazarus svn or copy the debian files /usr/lib/lazarus to your home
> folder, change owner recursively and set environment option lazarus
> source directory.

I had the same problem with Suse package.
I could compile Lazarus with default GTK widgets but not for using QT widgets.
Is it a bug or feature?
Most new people install Lazarus as a distro package and have the same problem. 
A complicated program takes effort to learn anyway. You try things from menu 
but it doesn't work... not good...
The "Build Lazarus" options that don't work for a typical distro install 
should be disabled when the needed write access is not there.

Anyway, now I have learned that svn install is very easy. Just one svn command 
and then "make all". See my mail earlier in this thread.
As a bonus you get all the latest improvements, but still it seems to be very 

Juha Manninen

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