[Lazarus] What's the hold-up with Lazarus v1.0?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 11:11:11 CET 2009

2009/11/29 Marc Weustink <marc at dommelstein.net>:
> Since we think it's not ready for 1.0.
> Period.

I know Lazarus is your guys project and we are simple users don't have
much say. But with that attitude, I think you guys are hurting Lazarus
image more. Companies and professional developers simply do not want
to try pre-v1 and "beta" software in a commercial environment. Our
company probably being the exception after I convinced them the
benefits of FPC and Lazarus. Critical bugs and easily be fixed due to
having the code available, and because Lazarus is a active project.

Windows users (clearly being the majority) simply do not like "beta"
or pre-v1 software. Stopping those users, means you guys loose out on
potential new contributors to Lazarus. I know there isn't a direct
correlation between "users of Lazarus" and "contributions to Lazarus",
but the more users you guys get, the better chances you stand in
getting contributors. That's fact.

Maybe the other issue that comes to play is everybody here are
developers and know squat about marketing. Currently Lazarus is very
badly marketed. Small things have already been done to help Lazarus is
this regard. For example, improving the "look" of Lazarus IDE by
standardizing and improving the look of the icons used. Even though
that doesn't really add any features to Lazarus, it sure stopped the
comments like "Lazarus is just plain ugly and looks outdated". So that
was a positive move. Just like getting Lazarus to v1 will be a
positive move.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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