[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Sun Nov 29 10:32:35 CET 2009

Tom Lisjac schrieb:

> Personally, I'd like to see Lazarus and FPC start to move forward and
> get the respect and larger following that they deserve... but with
> it's history and stalled 1.0, I don't blame any noob, experienced
> developer or business that makes an informed decision to avoid this
> toolchain.
> The problem I see is credibility... or "if we write a lot of code with
> Lazarus/FPC, will it be maintainable with the project in perpetual
> beta?".


IMO it's time to provide a 1.0 version for the fully supported platforms 
and widgetsets. The remaining parts (components...) can stay in beta 
state. Then the users know what is considered usable, and where work is 
still in progress.

It's not required to have everything documented, as CodeGear has shown 
in the past years, but the community should know where documentation can 
be completed right now. Perhaps documentation should become a new 
project, to which (registered?) users can contribute immediately, not 
only by supplying patches. As long as documentation updates are not 
checked by the authorized developers (as is), no bureaucracy should 
prevent quick documentation updates.


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