[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

Michael Joyner ᏩᏯ mjoyner at vbservices.net
Sun Nov 29 15:40:50 CET 2009

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> 2009/11/29 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
>> At least it will put this kind of nonsensical discussions to rest
>> (which is exactly why Patrick did this)
> That does actually make sense.
> So maybe Lazarus should start releasing using "year.revision"
> eg:
>  Next release:  Lazarus 2010
>  If another release in the same year:  Lazarus 2010.1
>  The following year: Lazarus 2011
> I know of quite a lot of software that uses this version numbering
> approach. And as you say, that might put an end to this discussion.
It would also eliminate any confusion as what version of toolset you are 
using. If it wasn't for that Linux Journal magazine getting me to 
actually try the IDE combined with a very cheap Delphi 4 book, I 
wouldn't be here. I am a systems administrator in need of a true RAD 
environment, and after learning basic Object Pascal over the last two 
weeks or so, I think this type of kit is sorely needed by many more than 
me, but things like version numbers definitely count to people like me. 
When I see '0.9.XXX', my first thought is, "YOUNG" project, not mature 
yet. If the team switches to YEAR numbering, combined with a very clear 
blurb on the main web site indicating how long the project has existed, 
along with a clearly defined release schedule (changes between 
'official' releases don't have to be much, just improvements and 
bugfixes), you could definitely attract more users from which, 
eventually, more developers will grow from. You are not going to get 
more developers unless and until more people begin to develop stuff 
using the Lazarus. They have to have a reason to become a developer, 
providing them with a tool that they can use to scratch their own 
itches, so to speak, is a way to begin having people learn Object 
Pascal. Until people learn Object Pascal, there will be no developers to 
pull in.

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