[Lazarus] QT bindings as defalt (was Release 1.0, part 2)

Phil Hess macpgmr at fastermac.net
Sun Nov 29 19:49:25 CET 2009


I test the 5 major widgetsets with several packages of custom controls that I've ported from Delphi and the Qt widgetset appears to be the least stable:




----- "Juha Manninen" <juha.manninen at phnet.fi> wrote:

> On sunnuntai, 29. marraskuuta 2009 15:11:24 Vincent Snijders wrote:
> > As Florian noted, Lazarus needs developers more than users. There
> are
> > more gtk2 issues than win32 issues, so we need to focus our
> martekting
> > (if any) more to the potential gtk2 developers (on linux) than on
> the
> > potential win32 developers.
> What about potential QT developers?
> My suggestion is to make QT bindings the default recommended (on Linux
> at 
> least), and consider stable QT bindings as a requirement for v1.0.
> This is a very realistic goal. I have compiled Lazarus for QT widgets
> and it 
> works great. The bugs I found I have reported and Zeljan has already
> fixed 
> them. Only some minor OpenSuse related issues remain.
> I already know some places where QT bindings work better than GTK2
> bindings.
> QT has better design internally than GTK2. Many programmers have
> stated that, 
> it is not only my opinion.
> Thus I believe bindings for QT are easier to make. (This was an
> "educated 
> guess", I don't know the details.)
> QT has lots of momentum now that Nokia bought it. There are more
> potential QT 
> developers than GTK2 developers to attract if you advertise it as the
> number 
> one stable binding.
> Regards,
> Juha Manninen
> --
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