[Lazarus] QT bindings as defalt

Phil Hess macpgmr at fastermac.net
Mon Nov 30 18:25:58 CET 2009

----- "Juha Manninen" <juha.manninen at phnet.fi> wrote:
> Ok, it isn't ready then. With Lazarus IDE those problems don't come
> up.
> Do those components rely on LCL bindings only, or does it need some
> custom 
> binding code?
> I mean, if LCL bindings work perfectly then Orpheus comps would start
> to work 
> automatically?

Yes, all of the non-Windows widgetsets should behave the same with Orpheus. If not, then there's probably some difference or issue in the widgetset. I say "non-Windows" because with win32 you have access to the full Win API, so there are some things that have to be simulated on non-Windows platforms.

It's a little odd that with Orpheus, Carbon seems to be the most stable of all the non-Windows widgetsets. I would not expect that since it's the newest of the 4.

Another package that reveals some widgetset differences is this one:


With THtmlPort, Carbon is actually the most stable, even more stable than Windows. GTK2 doesn't run at all and I didn't even bother to test Qt. You're welcome to see if you can get it to work on Qt though.

I'm not sure how good a test the IDE is. That's kind of like saying, "Well, it worked in the lab, why doesn't work in the field?"



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