[Lazarus] debugger feature request created

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Thu Oct 1 11:34:09 CEST 2009

waldo kitty wrote:
> Martin wrote:
>> Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
>>>> working debugger will benefit everybody! I really think a working &
>>>> integrated debugger must be one of the high priorities for the IDE -
>>>> more that say new IDE eye-candy.  :-)
>>> Like ABorka told me in a private email. Once Embarcadero brings out
>>> 64bit support and cross-platform compiler (latter is what they are
>>> working on now), then Lazarus will loose a large appeal from Delphi
>>> developers. At the moment FPC and Lazarus offers features Delphi
>>> doesn't have, but not the critical features which will allow them to
>>> switch to Lazarus permanently.
>> Well this is because no one is getting paid for working on Lazarus. So 
>> manpower is an issue.
>> On the other hand it means no one depends on people using it. If they 
>> want to use it, that's great. If they don't no problem at all (because 
>> no one is losing there job/salary/means-of living).
>> Anyway, lots of companies just go for delphi, because there still is 
>> an implicit mistrust towards open source. They feel more secure if 
>> they have bought a product, and have the feeling they got some 
>> warranties towards it's usability or availability or whatever.
>> Anyway no one has denied that features are missing. As for debugging 
>> there is a dis-consent about the wording or extend that those missing 
>> feature have (at least between me and you (Graeme).  But  not about 
>> the fact that it would be nice (essential for some) to have.
>> But what can be done? There are limited amount of people to do the 
>> work on Lazarus. So it takes time.
>> As for making it a priority, anyone is welcome to supply patches. If 
>> not, it's a gift horse, so you know what not to do.... ;>
> while i fully agree on the one hand, i also see other OSS projects that 
> do have a commercial/professional side to them whereby they do earn $$$ 
> to pay the commercial side developers... at the same time, those OSS 
> projects do also have a truely OSS side to them whereby the OSS side can 
> be easily handled and supported which also goes to enhance and further 
> the commercial side and visa versa...
> cannot this also be done with FPC/lazarus??

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