[Lazarus] properties (delphi does it wrong too) [Re: debugger feature request created]

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at vodafonevast.nl
Fri Oct 2 14:14:04 CEST 2009

Martin schreef:
> And to save the honour of graeme, he started 3 threads:
> http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/pipermail/lazarus/2009-September/045378.html 
> http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/pipermail/lazarus/2009-September/045380.html 
> http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/pipermail/lazarus/2009-September/045383.html 
> All three where basic question, if there was a way, and if so which way 
> it was. Only the last one also expressed some "frustration" about the 
> inaccessibility of the debug features.
> Then later mails (other people) developped into statements like "The 
> debugger is not usable as it does not have been in the focus to be 
> developed. " or " lack elemental features that are waiting to be 
> implemented and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting"; And then 
> soon saying this was a reason for people not to use Lazarus, or to move 
> away from Lazarus.

And to balance the praise of graeme, he wrote on the wiki 
<quote>Debugging from inside the IDE is near impossible.</quote>
<quote>This should become a bigger priority than more eye-candy for the IDE.</quote>
<quote>Unfortunately with open source projects, contributors only contribute to 
fulfill their own needs, and not the needs of others.<quote>

To me, this pretty much says about the same as in the paragraph above.
Fortunately he still<quote>loves the many unique IDE features Lazarus has to 

I wish I was capable of editing that feature request to make it more reasonable and 
factual. IMHO, the GDB is not as much C/C++ centric, but it is a stand-alone 
application, and not integrated (in process) in the IDE like in Delphi. Stand-alone 
debuggers always have  more limitations.

And what do you think is next? Delphi like packages? Or should that be implemented 
before we even think about improving the debugging experience in Lazarus?


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