[Lazarus] displayiing points in a form

Héctor Fiandor Rosario hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu
Wed Sep 2 15:50:28 CEST 2009

dear sirs:

I have an application almost ready, but....I am trying to display a path in a form from (x,y) coordinates and d´not obtain what I want.

I do this:
open a new form
in the OnPaint event and using Canvas I draw a rectangle
I calculate some coeficients to translate the (x,y) coordinates to the rectangle area.
I can represent an Origin point and a Destiny point
I can represent the (x,y) points of my data
I use a Timer to delay the representation from one to the next point

and what I obtain: in each point it is erased the prior representation, and I want to maintain all the (x,y) points (from the begining to the last) and the operator can see the path of all the points.

In the Timer2.Timer event I have to declare fTrayectoria.OnPaint(Sender); to go back. I suspect that here is the problem, but I dont know how to do better.

Please, any help will be of a great deal.

thanks in advance,

yours truly,

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor
hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu


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