[Lazarus] Enhance Macro usage by making it easier to find
Mattias Gärtner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Sep 11 11:47:24 CEST 2009
Zitat von Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
> On Fri, 11 Sep 2009, Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> [...]
>> It would be nice to have completion boxes Ctrl+Space for all edit
>> fields. They could list all macros and/or all files ....
>> The problem is that the gtk intf does not yet support non modal on
>> modal forms.
> Why does this pose a problem ? I would think that you'd use a simple
> listbox for this ?
Well. Yes, this is be possible, but it has some minor quirks:
- If the edit is on a small dialog the listbox is also very short.
- A listbox needs all items in advance for its scrollbar. This would
be pretty slow if the completion box shows thousands of files/words.
- for the highlighting/formatting we need to custom paint.
IMO a custom control is better suited.
Is there any volunteer to program a TCompletionBox?
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