[Lazarus] Enhance Macro usage by making it easier to find

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Fri Sep 11 14:36:46 CEST 2009

Vincent Snijders het geskryf:
> What is the purpose of the Mantis report, except polluting the bug
> tracker, so that finding issues is harder?

The feature request was added to Mantis first - BEFORE you mentioned the
wiki. Instead of duplicating my bad typing skills (and wasting my time),
I just added a reference in the Wiki to the Mantis report for more details.

If you do not want Feature Requests in the Mantis tracker, then you must
make it clear to *everybody*! Also delete the "Feature" option in the
Mantis tracker.

Also make sure the wiki has the facts straight! The first line in that
wiki page mentions that you can also add feature requests to Mantis! So
who must I believe?

This is a perfect example of "fragmented documentation"! Users do not
know where is what, or what is the "newest / latest" information. This
goes hand-in-hand with my request a while back to finalize the help
format for the Lazarus IDE and Lazarus LCL: fpdoc format, web forums,
wiki, offline help etc...

Anyway, I also do NOT have access to delete my own postings in the
Mantis tracker (bugs or feature requests) - so from my side there is
very little else I can do.

And if you are still wondering why I keep bitching about not having
offline help, or why I don't like editing wiki's much, read the following:


I'm pretty sure South Africa is not the only country in the world with
shitty or ridiculously expensive (on avg. 500% more expensive than EU
countries) Internet access.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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