[Lazarus] Can I Compile use LCL in FPC?

yu ping spingyu at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 18:00:03 CEST 2009

Osvaldo Filho ha scritto:
> anybody else?
Well, it depends on what you want to achieve.
If you just want to use the Qt widgetset in Lazarus projects, in place 
of GTK1/GTK2, you have nothing else to do than get the current Qt 
bindings, compile the LCL for Qt widgetset, and select the Qt widgetset 
when compiling your project.

See http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Qt_Interface for detailed 

In theory your code will be unchanged, because the LCL takes care of all 
the magic.
In real life you may find some Qt bugs different from GTK bugs which may 
force you either to introduce some Qt specific workaround, or to 
suppress some GTK workaround, which turns out to be harmful for Qt. Some 
sort of IFDEF LCLqt or IFDEF LCLgtk may pop up, but it depends on your 
specific project.

If on the contrary you're planning to use directly the Qt library for a 
non Lazarus FPC project, then you'll need Qt bindings, and Trolltech 

Hope that it helps


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