[Lazarus] Using parameters with sqldb

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 13:17:35 CEST 2009

Hello waldo,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 6:32:22 AM, you wrote:

>> .ParamByname('filtro').AsString:='TESTE%';
>> .Value is not a good friend.

wk> then why does it exist if not usable?? :? :( 

It is usable, but as it involves variants some conversions could
happend in an unexpected way. In fact .value is the only way I know to
set the a field to NULL (variant value).

If filtro was a INTEGER field this code:


what should it do ? Raise an error or convert the '1234' to 1234 ?
From my point of view it is always better to use the typed forms.

Best regards,

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