[Lazarus] GroupBox

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 22:33:01 CEST 2010

Hello Lazarus-List,

Thursday, April 1, 2010, 8:22:00 PM, you wrote:

>> Which function is being used to determine the client area of a
>> groupbox ? 
MG> GetClientRect.
>> I thought that it should be "GetClientRect" but this
>> function is never called for my groupbox :-? Nor the WinControl one,
>> nor the WinAPI one.
MG> Why do you think so?

Because I set breakpoints and writelns in both if them. As you confirm
that the call is GetClientRect I can look for some bug in my code,
maybe 2 function bodies, or some kind of overlooked error. I'll trace
the code step by step.

I'm trying to update fpgui widgetset to work with last version and in
this task becoming more familiar with LCL. Now it compiles and can
create button, checkbox, inputbox, listbox, groups, combobox, radio
and label controls. Of course not all events and facilities are
available, but I'm progressing quite fast. I hope to get standard
controls working more or less completly in the next week. I know that
such changes will be a big patch, but fpgui widgetset seems to be not
seriously updated since a lot of time.

Best regards,

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