[Lazarus] SynEdit exception on close LFM file [Re: Invalid file handle when closing Lazarus]

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Apr 6 01:59:46 CEST 2010

Hi Antônio,

The problem is not with the file handle, there is another exception 
before this (but it is probably not shown to you)
TryFreeComponent ERROR: "memo:TSynEdit" Access violation
   Stack trace:
TApplication.HandleException Invalid file handle
   Stack trace:

I assume the Following: unitprincipal.pas/lfm does have a form with a 
Synedit on it?
Then when you save your LFM something goes wrong with saving the SynEdit.

Question, do you use Frames? Is the SynEdit part of a TFrame?

There were a few things with SynEdit that got fixed in the meantime. If 
you can, please try a daily snapshot of Lazarus
  ( http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus/ ).

But keep your current installation, in case the snapshot doesn't work 
for you.
Also run the snapshot with   --primary-config-path="C:\somefolder"  
(somefolder should exist, and can be empty). This ensures your old 
config will not be changed.

If that does not help, or if you can not use a snapshot, then maybe you 
can send the unit and the lfm? togethet whit instructions what do to 
(how to edit it), so that it crashes when trying to save it?

Best Regards

On 05/04/2010 23:57, Antônio wrote:
> 1) Lazarus r22279 FPC 2.2.4 i386-win32-win32/win64
> 2) C:\Documents and Settings\antonio\Desktop\Text Stats\unitprincipal.lfm
> 3) Done.
> Antônio
> 2010/4/5 Martin<lazarus at mfriebe.de>:
>> On 05/04/2010 07:41, Antônio wrote:
>>> What is that?
>> Please can you get the following information?
>> 1) Your Lazaus Version. Please go to: Menu / Help / About Lazarus =>  There
>> is Version; Fpc Version; Date
>> 2) Name and Path of the file that does not close
>>   Or if you do not know, name and path of all open files
>> 3) You said "sometimes crashes".
>> - please recompile lazarus:
>>   Go to Menu / Tools / Configure BuildLazarus
>>   Select "Advanced Build options" tab
>>   Set "Clean All"
>>   Add " -g -gl " in the edit-field "Options"
>>   restart Lazarus
>> - then please start Lazarus with (make a windows shortcut in order to add
>> this)
>>   --debug-log=c:\log.txt
>> then make Lazarus crash and send the file (zip/rar)
>> Best Regards
>> Martin

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