[Lazarus] SynEdit exception on close LFM file [Re: Invalid file handle when closing Lazarus]
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Apr 6 13:47:51 CEST 2010
On 06/04/2010 12:40, Antônio wrote:
> But I see something that can be interesting:
> object Panel2: TPanel
> Left = 0
> Height = 552
> Top = 26
> Width = 618
> Align = alClient
> ClientHeight = 552
> ClientWidth = 618
> TabOrder = 1
> inline memo: TSynEdit
That is correct, TSynEdit save as "inline" => like a frame.
It needs to save internal controls too.
Another known issue with this was using Anchors/Alignment. That was
fixed, but it is possible it only was fixxed after the release of 0.9.28.
Some thingsneeded fixing in FPC too, so FPC 2.4.0 may be needed. (FPC
2.4.0 is included in the daily snapshot of Lazarus (for Windows))
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