[Lazarus] TMouseButton

Kjow antispammoni at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 15:46:01 CEST 2010

On Wed, 7 Apr 2010, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:
>>>> Now the TControl/TWinControl classes have a set of properties that is the
>>>> union of all properties of a large set of layouters (because it must 
>>>> mimic
>>>> the behaviour of all these layouters put together):
>>>>      * AutoSize
>>>>      * Anchors
>>>>      * Align
>>>>      * Constraints
>>>>      * BorderSpacing
>>>>      * ChildSizing
>>> Only Align, Anchors and ChildSizing.Layout are layouts. The rest are
>>> details that apply to all layouts. See the layouters of gtk.
>> In my view, this is not correct. Borderspacing, Constraints and AutoSize 
>> are also properties used in layouting. I see no reason why a control would
>> have these properties (assuming we were to move all layouting to a separate
>> component).
> IMO it's quite simple. A layout affects the position of child controls inside 
> a container control, nothing else. Borders, Constraints and Autosize are 
> general properties of all controls, which must be handled in/by the control 
> itself.

I agree for Constraints, but not the other two.

It is in contradiction with what Mattias said, where he claimed that
when doing layouting you must always work inside-out and outside-in.
Borderspacing IS used when layouting: it determines the available space
for childs inside/outside the control.

Autosize as well: if autosize is true, then the size of the control
changes, and therefor the layout internal to the control, but also 
externally. Hence it belongs in the layouter.

IMHO a control needs only 5 properties: top/left/width,height and
constraints. All the rest is layouting.

This does not mean I want to remove all these properties from the control, 
but I do consider all other properties part of the layouting process.


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