[Lazarus] New feature - View same source in multiple Windows

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Thu Apr 8 20:23:36 CEST 2010

David W Noon schrieb:

>>> How about "Copy to new tab"? would be handy in some cases
>> you mean having 2 tabs with the same source, in just one window?
>> It can be added, but I though it wasn't needed (since you can only
>> view one of them at any time)
> This also raises the question as to whether both tabs should be updated
> when the users modifies the source, or if one tab should be kept as
> history.  If the latter, there would need to be a "synchronize" option
> to bring the history up to date when the user no longer needs the older
> version.

IMO real backup files should be used for that purpose, distinct from the 
current versions in the editor pages and windows.

> Having two or more potential sources of modification for a single file
> poses all kinds of issues about consistency, unless they are
> intrinsically synchronized internally.

A single internal copy of the file can be updated from multiple sources, 
and changes can be signaled to all SynEdits of the same file. This 
already should have been realized in the current implementation, I assume.


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