[Lazarus] Win32 CreateParented issue

Justin Smyth delphian at smythconsulting.net
Sat Apr 17 09:13:48 CEST 2010

Hello Lazarus-List,

Friday, April 16, 2010, 3:02:37 PM, you wrote:

>> Is there any reason to be published instead public ? Maybe to garantee
>> that the functions will never be removed by fpc/linker if not directly
>> used in the code ?
MW> there is a "virtual" classtree build based on RTTI. RTTI is only
MW> generated for published methods

So this limits the possibility of the LCL to left out parts not being
used in the program, as every class and method is references in some
way by a published method.

And now the question :) should I in LCLfpgui move the public methods
to published section (when ancestor is published of course) ? It is
just to get a more hint clear compilation.

Best regards,

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