[Lazarus] lazarus (local) doc

spir ☣ denis.spir at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 09:57:44 CEST 2010

2010/4/16 Alberto Narduzzi <albertonarduzzi at yahoo.com>:
>> Visualize how it would be: (Visualize como seria:)
>> http://yfrog.com/izsiglebuttonidegtkp
> under KDE, in a Fedora 7 machine, I get only one button for Lazarus.
> Then, if I click on that button, nothing happens, but a popup shows, with
> the options to minimize (if they are visible) or maximize-restore (if they
> are minimized) every window.
> Maybe it's a behavior of Gnome's window-manager.
> Cheers, A.

Guess you have "group buttons" enabled and already too many buttons in
the taskbar. Otherwise it shows a button for each window, last tested
on Kubuntu 9.04.


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