[Lazarus] Canvas Save/RestoreHandleState not destroying gdiobjects (GTK2 Linux)

cobines cobines at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 13:00:48 CEST 2010

I can't compile Lazarus anymore. (current svn trunk revision 24680)

I use > make clean all bigide
On opensuse 11.1 X86_64 and I use gtk2 widgets, fpc 2.4.0

This is the error output:

Compiling synhighlighterlfm.pas
synhighlighterlfm.pas(720,13) Error: Illegal type conversion: "^untyped"
to "<enumeration type>"
synhighlighterlfm.pas(740) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module,
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[2]: *** [allsyneditunits.ppu] Fout 1
make[2]: Map '/home/erwin/fpc/lazarus/components/synedit' wordt verlaten
make[1]: *** [synedit_all] Fout 2
make[1]: Map '/home/erwin/fpc/lazarus/components' wordt verlaten
make: *** [components] Fout 2

Revision 24621 compiles fine. Revision 24622 and above gives this error.


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