[Lazarus] Patch: single button on taskbar (was: vote for single button IDE)

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 10:31:59 CEST 2010

Look at
procedure TCustomForm.WMActivate(var Message : TLMActivate);

  // The button reappears in some situations (e.g. when the window gets the
  //"urgency" flag) so we hide it again here.
  // This is the most important place to invoke UpdateShowInTaskBar, since
  //invoking it anywhere else seeems basically useless/frequently reversed.
  if (ShowInTaskBar = stNever) or ((ShowInTaskBar = stDefault)
    and (Application.TaskBarBehavior = tbSingleButton)) then

For non main form it hide and show every time the form is activated, when
use "Application.TaskBarBehavior := tbSingleButton" in the project.

I think the to resolve a problem in GTK2 "The button reappears in some

Zaher Dirkey
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