[Lazarus] SynEdit

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Apr 21 21:12:50 CEST 2010

On 21/04/2010 19:58, Lee Jenkins wrote:
> Martin wrote:
>> The SynMultiSyn still exists in Lazarus. Not sure if anyone has used 
>> it lately, or if it was tested.
>> But if bug reports are made, it will be fixed and maintained.
> Martin,
> Looks like its a no go with the Multi highlighter in Lazarus synedit.  
> Throws an exception when trying to assign the multi highlight to a 
> TSynMemo at design time and the application sig faults when I try to 
> assign the multi highlighter in code.

Can you send me your test code that failed, please?

I am doing (in OnFormCreate)

   h := TSynMultiSyn.Create(self);
   SynMemo1.Highlighter:= h;

and that doesn't give an error. But it may depend on settings given to 
the highlighter...

> 0.9.29 rev 23574.  I was banking on it working since I assumed lazarus 
> support Assembly within .pas file though I'm not certain on that.

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